Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A Boy Named Guy

Have you ever known anyone named "Guy"?
How uncreative of a parent are you to settle for this?
I just imagine two parents lovingly standing over their newborn baby...
Father: I love this little guy.
Mother: Me too.
Father: But what should we name him?
Then they slowly turn their heads and look at each other in a moment of realization.
Both in unison: I know! Guy!
Then they both laugh, high-five and there is a freeze frame and credits roll.

There was a kid in my elementary school named Guy, and I can only imagine the above scenario is a verbatim recreation of an actual event. He wasn't French, and it wasn't pronounced "Gee" -- As much as I'd love to imagine so, I somehow doubt Guy De Maupassant's parents went throught the above play that inevitably, all Guy-Naming Parents (or GNP's, as I like to call them) go through.
So parents of the world, if you MUST have children, and the MUST be male, get some creativity! Don't settle for the first generic appellation that comes into your head! Don't you realize you're condemning your child, who you presumably love, to a life of "who was that guy?" "Oh, that guy", "I hate that guy", "who's that guy standing over there", "that's the guy, officer", etc., etc., until your little guy dies, and on his grave it simply reads "here lies Guy", and the people of the future scratch their heads in confusion.

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