Monday, February 11, 2008

Michael Moore

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I'm not a fan of Michael Moore. However, that wasn't always the case. I enjoyed his first movie "Roger and Me" well enough, and "The Big One" was even better in my opinion. I also liked his show "TV Nation". It had its moments, was funny, and had guests like Steven Wright and covered some interesting topics. But that was when the focus seemed to be on humor, not as much on bashing America.

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I used to see Moore primarily as a comedian, who happened to have some social criticisms, which is always welcome. But something happened. He turned mean-spirited, His "humor" was always at the expense of something (America) or someone (the troops) who have much more value than he does. He doesn't have the right to go after actually important institutions - he's way out of his depth - he's simply a ham-fisted (please excuse the expression) commentator, and who really cares about what this "hefty haranguer" has to say anyway? Who IS he? What makes him qualified to make these lie-filled judgments in the first place?

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Moore continued his anti-corporate rants with books by major publishers such as the ironically titled "Stupid White Men" (What is Moore exactly?) -- the very title of which gets under my skin because it is socially acceptable and NOT edgy to make fun of white men. It is the last acceptable race that is totally OK to make fun of. If Moore had titled his book "Stupid Black Men", he likely would have been run out of town on a big fat rail. Or at least not taken seriously, which he really shouldn't be anyway and people need to realize that. This credentials-less hack enjoys preaching to the converted about how America is bad bad bad and the healthcare system of Cuba is really wonderful. This is probably the most popular baldfaced wish by the liberals that America will go commie. Usually they put it in coded speech, but because Moore wins awards from other liberals such as the Oscar, he has the gall (or lack of talent) to drop the pretense.

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I guess the thing that annoys me most about Moore is that he humorlessly criticizes the very institutions that allow him to become a millionaire doing what he does. He gets awards, accolades, is lauded around the world, and gets to travel the globe preaching his anti-America diatribes, and most importantly makes millions. He stumbled onto the idea that he could make quite a nice living bashing the USA. Remember he didn't start out that way. He found his niche and his rhythm doing this midway through his "career".

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Of course, no one really knows about answer films "Celsius 41.11" and
"FahrenHYPE 911" that refute Moore's lies and inaccuracies because they don't have the liberal Hollywood machine powering them.

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It's obviously because of the troops and the veterans of America that have ensured Moore's freedom to bash, slander and smear. Rather than be grateful to live in a nation that allows you totally free reign to say as you please (not to mention a sweet profit - remember that capitalism that you hate so much, Michael? I guess you OFFICIALLY are a "Stupid White Man" now.), he takes this great freedom completely for granted, like a lot of people do. The very fact that I can voice my opinion now about HIS opinion, and not be thrown in jail, punished or stoned to death, I greatly appreciate. We didn't get here as a society through people like Michael Moore. We got here through actually BRAVE people and smart people like General Petraeus. Don't get me wrong, I'm completely and totally for criticism, protest, dissent and an opposing point of view. It's through this conflict that ideas are raised and some progress is made. But I feel Moore is a cheap hack who has exploited the "hate America, hate Bush" endless drumbeat of the left as a underhanded way to make millions of dollars and actually BECOME part of the institutions he claims to hate - criticizing it all the while, and the mechanism that allows it to happen. This is LOW. We as a nation should totally ignore Moore. Hey, that rhymes!

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