Monday, November 10, 2008

Revenge of the Left

Okay, so Barack "Barry" "Saddam" Hussein "Osama" Obama has somehow become the president. In all fairness to John McCain, he was up against huge odds vying to be another Republican commander-in-chief after eight years of that evil, evil despot George W. Bush. All the Democratic opponent had to do was just what Barry (what I call Obama) did. He won the election on ONE WORD: Change (of course). His version of "change" was hiring that breath of new, fresh air Joe Biden.

It's the revenge of the liberals from the Vietnam era. There are two schools of thought at odds here. One is the Barry school, which finds value in bombers like Bill Ayers who protested the Vietnam war by violently destroying property and endangering human lives. The other school is that of John McCain and his brethren: American heroes that suffered immeasurably for our country. As Arnold Schwarzenegger said recently "John McCain spent more time being tortured at the Hanoi Hilton than Barack Obama has spent in the U.S. Senate." I'm sad to report that the first school of thought won the day last tuesday.

Was there voter fraud from Barry's buddies ACORN in this close election? Will the media investigate that? I think we all know the answer. Now, in America today it's somehow acceptable to have Black Panthers outside voting places with nightsticks? There's video of this should you wish to see it. Barry hasn't spoken out against it. Then again, that Black Panther could just be making sure enough people vote for John McCain. But Barry's friends Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn and the so-called "weather underground" bombed a judge's house in the middle of the night as he presided over a Black Panthers trial. So Barry gets yet another pass. That's going to be one of the hardest things about the next four years (at least) -- the media will cover for, and spin his every mistake. Not simply because they love him and helped get him elected, but because, since they did that, THEY don't want to look stupid if the guy's a dud. So they will use the full force of the media to whitewash, or, should I say "half-whitewash" the truth.

How far we have come since 9/11. Perhaps we should be proud. Islamic terrorists committed this atrocity, and shortly thereafter we went into Iraq to depose Saddam Hussein. Seven short years later, we elect as our president a "former" Muslim whose middle name is Hussein. The world is upside down. I don't understand anything anymore.

Entire books have been written about why you shouldn't vote for Barry, so I won't get into a long diatribe here. Politics seem to be like a pendulum: a swing towards Bush, then a huge swing back towards a radical leftist. I just wish the pendulum hadn't swung so wildly back the other way. It's not just the media lies and deceit that are troubling, but it's Barry's relative-unknown status, until very recently, that is also concerning. Also his inexperience, seemingly endless parade of radical associations (His gargantuan arrogance and ego - the same beast which spawned his new version of the presidential seal - has led him to the attitude that the American people are stupid and are just going to forget Ayers, Dohrn, Wright, Pfleger, Farrakhan, Rezko, ACORN, Khalidi and all the others(it's impossible to keep track of them all) that got him to where he is today; that he just, on a dime is going to turn centrist out of nowhere, with no evidence whatsoever to support that...why do you think liberals are so happy he won? Is that just a coincidence? Or do they know the truth, that he is just another left winger like them), his socialist policies that have never worked anywhere in the world before (but he's smarter than you; he can decide what to do with your money better than you can), and his smug's that this young punk sees more value in people like Ayers than in people like John McCain, who is as close to an American hero as we have right now. And it is always sad when the hero loses.

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